“Receiving an NEA has allowed me not only space to do my work, but also time to be a better citizen of my people and my city. My ability to offer up myself and my art is amplified by the grant. But greater than the individual artist fellowships, I was first impacted by the NEA through its funding of the local arts programs and presses in my hometown. Without the NEA, I never would have been exposed to the arts in same way, just as so many will miss out on a vital part of their life if local arts organization who depend on the funding of the NEA for even a small portion of their buffet are now stifled. What the NEA does on such a small budget isn't measurable. It's an impact that is active daily and offers the change for seeds of change and inspiration to be planted that maybe not blossom for some time. We need the NEA, just as we need the EPA, just as we need balance and justice and health and light.”

Danez Smith

The National Endowment for the Arts is the largest single funder of the arts across America and has helped make Poets.org possible. Learn more about how you can support the NEA.